

Borderland is a horror film written& directed by Zev Berman. It is based on the true events of Adolfo de Jesús Constanzo, a leader of his religious cult that used to practice human sacrifice.

The movie begins with Mexico City policemen knocking on the door of what appears to be an abandoned house. Ulises (Damian Alcazar) and his partner go inside the house and find gruesome remnants of animal and human remains. The two are ambushed by the occupants and Ulises is forced to watch them torture and mutilate his partner until he is decapitated. Ulises gets shot in the leg but is allowed to live so that he can warn other law officials to not come in their way. About one year later, Ed (Brian Presley), Henry (Jake Muxworthy) and Phil (Rider Strong), three Texas college who just graduated are enjoying a college beach bonfire in Galveston, Texas...


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